Balancing the Books

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4 Important Accounting Services Small Businesses Might Need

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As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. In addition to running your day-to-day operations, you also have to think about things like marketing, HR, and, of course, accounting. While it might be tempting to try to handle your accounting on your own (after all, who knows your business better than you?), there are some very good reasons to consider outsourcing this critical function to professionals in this field. Read More»

When To Hire Certified Public Accountants

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Most people think that certified public accountants work with wealthy and large corporations. However, certified public accountants often offer financial assistance to people and businesses with varying incomes. Do all businesses need their services? Can your small business thrive with a bookkeeper? Yes, it’s cost effective for some businesses to hire bookkeepers, but there are situations that warrant the services of certified public accountants, including the following. Before Starting a Business Read More»

3 Ways That A Public Accountant Adds Value To Your Small Business

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Starting a business, even if small, is a fulfilling achievement. But to thrive in the highly competitive market, an entrepreneur needs to find innovative solutions to the emerging challenges. Though you can solve some issues on your own, others require the intervention of professionals. For instance, a public accountant is an excellent addition to your small business. Sadly, many entrepreneurs shy away from engaging these experts for fear of their service fees. Read More»

Common Services Rendered By Certified Public Accountants

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Many small businesses and individuals believe that only large corporations require the services of certified public accountants. However, certified public accountants offer bookkeeping services that are beneficial to businesses of all sizes and people of varying net worth. The following are some of the services rendered by certified public accountants:   Financial Planning For people looking to start a business, its financial health in the first twenty-four months heavily influences its chances to continue operations. Read More»

5 Must-Have Features For Small Business Bookkeeping Software

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Are you finding it difficult to track expenses in your new business? This challenge is common in many small businesses because of the lack of bookkeeping skills. Yet, a small business can barely afford a bookkeeper. You can handle much of your bookkeeping needs with good bookkeeping software. There is no shortage of bookkeeping suites on the market, but their suitability for small businesses differs. There are several must-have features for small business bookkeeping software to serve your business needs: Read More»

Why You Need Tax Planning Services

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Tax planning refers to the process individuals or companies undertake to maximize profit and minimize tax liability. Every citizen must pay federal, state, and local taxes. Thus, people need a proper understanding of their tax obligation to ensure compliance. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) estimates that about 16% of federal taxes go unpaid annually. A portion of the unpaid taxes can be attributed to unscrupulous individuals practicing tax evasion. However, in some cases, tax noncompliance results from the complexity of the American tax system. Read More»

3 Benefits Of Using A Payroll Service

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As a startup business, you should look for resources that help you streamline business operations. This way, you can pay more attention to core business responsibilities without risking downtime. And since it is your first time having employees, consider delegating salary payment to a reliable payroll service. Leaving employee payment in the hands of professionals guarantees that all the workers will be paid on time with minimal oversight from you. This article will highlight the benefits of using a payroll service provider to automate employee payments. Read More»

How Service Industry Bookkeeping Can Help Contractors Streamline Their Finances

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Home contractors have to deal with a lot of different aspects when it comes to running their business. They often find themselves overwhelmed each month with financial paperwork because they juggle multiple roles. This can be difficult for any contractor trying to keep up with all the moving pieces involved in running a successful company. Fortunately, there is a solution: service industry bookkeeping. Here’s how it can help home contractors to streamline their finances. Read More»

Hiring An Experienced Accountant For Services Like Tax Preparation

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When you work a full-time job and have a family to raise, you may not have a lot of time left over to sit down and do your taxes. However, you also cannot leave them until the last minute. It’s important that you get them filed way before the deadline. As such, instead of trying to do them on your own, you can hand them off to someone who is trained and experienced in filing them for you. Read More»

Becoming An Expat? 5 Tax Issues You'll Need To Conquer

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Have you moved — or are you planning to move — to a foreign country? Americans living abroad as expats face a variety of unique challenges, and their income tax returns can be one of them. What new situations might you face when you live across U.S. borders? Here are five things you’ll need to address.  1. Reporting All Income The United States tax system doesn’t care where Americans physically earned their income. Read More»